Things you're probably not using in Python 3 - but should - Data, what now? turns
Many people started switching to Python 3, unfrotunetly most people still write their code like it is Python 2. Below are useful Python 3 features. — Read on datawhatnow.com/things-you-are-probably-not-using-in-python-3-but-should/
You just gotta love CA prices. At this rate water is waaaayyyy more expensive than a gallon of gas.
Does anyone have a suggestion for an RSS reader that supports MB? I’m using Newsify now and I haven’t figured out how to log into my MB account properly…yet
Datatable python package
I want to try this when I get time - it looks cool oh and fast.
Rain rain go away I want to play golf today.
I am so looking forward to this feature as well www.theverge.com/2019/6/6/…
Apple knows that iPad mouse support has broad appeal
Hitting the road with my daughter on the way to her summer internship.
Great List of Golf Apps
Saturday June 1, 2019 -
I’ve been wondering. Are there any micronauts in the Kansas City area? I’d like to connect and maybe we could do a meetup someday if that is still a cool thing to do.
I love micro.blog because of the international flare. I love to travel and when I can’t this is so wonderful to experience and see.
Unboxing of Jetson Nano & Quick Start-Up of Two Vision Demos - Hackster.io
Jetson Nano is a star product now. Here is an unboxing article of details of the product, the process to start-up, and two visual demos…. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster.io. — Read on www.hackster.io/SeeedStudio/unboxing-of-jetson-nano-quick-start-up-of-two-vision-demos-200d93
Caffe in Jetson Nano - Hackster.io
Caffe is a commonly used deep learning framework, we can install it to Jetson Nano. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster.io. — Read on www.hackster.io/SeeedStudio/caffe-in-jetson-nano-9f4335
Upgrade your first gen Apple Pencil with this grip from Kaweco – The Gadgeteer
Upgrade your first gen Apple Pencil with this grip from Kaweco – The Gadgeteer — Read on the-gadgeteer.com/2019/04/29/upgrade-your-first-gen-apple-pencil-with-this-grip-from-kaweco/
10 Reasons To Consider a Search Engine Alternative to Google
10 Reasons To Consider a Search Engine Alternative to Google — Read on hackernoon.com/10-reasons-to-consider-a-search-engine-alternative-to-google-a4d46f791545
The Best Patios in Kansas City | Kansas City Restaurant News | feastmagazine.com
Warmer weather is here (at last!) and in our minds, that means one very important thing – patio season has arrived. Whether you’re unwinding at a happy hour after a — Read on www.feastmagazine.com/content/tncms/live/
Light Phone 2: A 'dumb phone' for curing app addiction - Business Insider
The Light Phone 2 can make calls, send texts, handle basic directions, and call you a taxi — but it still doesn’t have any apps. — Read on www.businessinsider.com/light-phone-2-cure-for-app-addiction-2018-2
The best golf workouts to get your gut and game in shape
Joey Diovisalvi, author of ‘Fix Your Body, Fix Your Swing,’ shares his go-to moves that amateurs can try at home to up their golf game by increasing shoulder and torso mobility. — Read on nypost.com/2019/04/08/the-best-golf-workouts-to-get-your-gut-and-game-in-shape/
Leveraging Computer Vision for Asset Tracking Solutions | IoT For All
Computer vision offers high accuracy and reliability for asset tracking. It has advantages over Bluetooth and WiFI, but it requires lots of bandwidth. — Read on www.iotforall.com/computer-vision-asset-tracking/amp/
Bluetooth IoT Gateway - Hackster.io
Discover and report the presence of Bluetooth devices with Raspberry Pi and WolkAbout IoT Platform!. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster.io. — Read on www.hackster.io/wolkabout-writer/bluetooth-iot-gateway-b61a1d
Something I want to try.
Why I will never get my wife to join a golf club
During the cold winter months I like to think about the past season of golf and travel.
My steady playing partner for golf is my wife and I really enjoy playing with her. She is really good - my steady Eddie I call her off the tee box. We discovered a couples league last year and boy was that a lot of fun. We met some really nice people, and we are looking forward to doing it again this year. I even got her to get out of her shell and join a women’s league …. she’s growing.
Anyway, back to the title of this article. “Why I will never get my wife to join a golf club”. Well, I won’t and the reason is pretty simple … we like to travel and play golf ( also she is financially efficient ). When we hit a certain milestone age we decided “NO MORE COLD BIRTHDAYS”! We both have January birthdays. Our progress started out typically - cruises. One day she came to me and told me she wanted to start playing golf again … It such a sweet thing to hear … It was like finding a new cup holder in your car. As she got better we started to explore more courses and then we took our first golf trip to Tucson, AZ. AWESOME!!! We stayed at this place that was like a cruise ship on land. We were hooked on golf and traveling. So, knowing my wife ( and I am sure other men’s wives) if she paid for it she is going to use it. That would mean whatever course we joined that is the only course we would play … that is not our style.
Besides playing courses around Kansas City (which there are a lot to explore), we have traveled to Canada, Dubai, Tucson, Arkansas, North Carolina and other places to play golf. I haven’t gotten her to Oklahoma yet, but I’m gonna.
As you can see joining a single club would not really be our style.
Anyway, I just wanted to share.
Where is all began
I have been wanting to write a series that covered what I play on my iPhone during workouts.
So here it begins.
This song was is the first one that I recall adding to my iPod for my workouts during my fitness renaissance. I have long been a fan of music for working out and the benefits it brings to helping to push you. While each person if different in what motivates them I’m just going to share what I like and why.
This song has a simple phrase in it that spoke to me “GET UP!!” and it was especially relevant during this phase of my life ( more on this in another post regarding another song). Also, the beat is something that I really enjoy as well. Hit me up on micro.blog if you want to chat about this topic more - @mcr.
The Factory Method Pattern and Its Implementation in Python – Real Python
In this Python tutorial, you’ll learn about the Factory Method design pattern and its implementation. You’ll understand the components of Factory Method, when to use it, and how to modify existing code to leverage it. You’ll also see a general purpose implementation of Factory Method in Python. — Read on realpython.com/factory-method-python/
Supercharge Your Classes With Python super() – Real Python
In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to leverage single and multiple inheritance in your object-oriented application to supercharge your classes with Python super(). — Read on realpython.com/python-super/
An Introduction on Time Series Forecasting with Simple Neura Networks & LSTM
The purpose of this article is to explain Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM RNN) and enable you to use them in real life and build the simplest… — Read on towardsdatascience.com/an-introduction-on-time-series-forecasting-with-simple-neura-networks-lstm-f788390915b
Mobile Mint
Ok so as of today I am trying out this service that I’ve toyed with in the past. For those of you that have not heard of Mobile Mint … it use to be mintsim I believe or simmint. They appear to be an MVNO on the T-Mobile network.
So, why the change?
Well, there are a few reasons.
- For one I don't talk on the phone all that often. What I discovered recently is that even the people that are closest to me prefer to text and I rarely talk to them on the phone.
- I like FaceTime better.
- Paying to much for the pleasure of AT&T to hold a phone number for me.
Besides I saw this in a BuzzFeed article yesterday and it prompted me to think about doing this switch even more.